Girth needed! Advice please


Jan 22, 2024
Hey brothers,
I’m in desperate need for some girth size increase and would really appreciate any one’s experiences, knowledge, advice and tips. I’ve been consistently doing pe for 1 and a half years now and I can’t seem to add much girth more length despite focusing on girth. My length is 8”bpel and girth only 4.6”MSEG, I’m seriously considering surgery filler injections that’s how desperate I am. My girlfriend has told me her ex was super thick so yeh im kind of devastated about it..
Im currently not working so I have lots of time to dedicate to my PE routine, I have a bath mate and I’m currently doing dlds Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) SSJ with a cock ring after every night of the week which seems to be helping swell me up nicely but within 12 hours I’m back to my pencil dick, I’m not sure if i should do a short girth session twice a day to prevent this.
Thanks lads any advice would be much appreciated. Cheers.
First, make sure to get out of the mentality that a pencil dick is 0.5 girth to 1 length ratio. A pencil dick is monikered as only having 30% girth to 100% length ratio. You're far above it.

Second, don't compare yourself to others. This will not only devastate you, but it will forever ingrain into your very soul that you have too little compared to the massive world out there. Your mentality should be refocused. Ask your lady friend this, "So, what size you like to enjoy?" Then follow up with, "I will do my very best fulfill your desire." It should be you doing your best to achieve new objectives/goals in life. Objectives are moving targets, while goals are hard deadlines. I like objectives as we are still alive, and in PE, there is no goal. We crave for new moving goals, which then bring back objectives.

Third, having a Bathmate and pumping is not enough. Sure, you perform pumping, but do you even know your baseline intensity each passing week? SSJ is great with pumping, but if you don't know how much vacuum pressure you're using, you don't know how much pressure you must raise as part of the intensity loading. If you're experienced with knowing how much pressure you can handle, you have to increase the vacuum pressure either on a weekly to a biweekly basis. You can remain static. Imagine, if you will, working out with a 15lbs kettle bell. It feels great at first, and you continue to use that 15lbs. You'll get lean and trimmed, but you won't get the extra muscles. You need higher weight and longer workout routine to get larger. Your penis is the same. You can't use 3inHg to 5inHg. You have to progressively go up. Our brother SIM and myself modded our Bathmate with pump and gauge. A few brothers here are and have modded their Bathmate as well. Those with pumps and gauges are progressing nicely. You need to do the same, so you can both feel and measure your intensity.

If you want to grow, you need to monitor. Don't expect that your growth is instant. You have to use a routine that is smart and efficient. This is where you will need to create a log, create a routine, push your effort to the max. If you don't want to publicly publish your log, create a very detail person log. If you want a template, I have a Google Sheet template that you can use. No matter what you do, you must monitor your progression, and not just measure your progression. Leave the measuring alone for 3 months. Eyeball it rather than hard meaure it. When you're ready, we'll go hard on you. In the mean time, mod your equipment and be ready.
First, make sure to get out of the mentality that a pencil dick is 0.5 girth to 1 length ratio. A pencil dick is monikered as only having 30% girth to 100% length ratio. You're far above it.

Second, don't compare yourself to others. This will not only devastate you, but it will forever ingrain into your very soul that you have too little compared to the massive world out there. Your mentality should be refocused. Ask your lady friend this, "So, what size you like to enjoy?" Then follow up with, "I will do my very best fulfill your desire." It should be you doing your best to achieve new objectives/goals in life. Objectives are moving targets, while goals are hard deadlines. I like objectives as we are still alive, and in PE, there is no goal. We crave for new moving goals, which then bring back objectives.

Third, having a Bathmate and pumping is not enough. Sure, you perform pumping, but do you even know your baseline intensity each passing week? SSJ is great with pumping, but if you don't know how much vacuum pressure you're using, you don't know how much pressure you must raise as part of the intensity loading. If you're experienced with knowing how much pressure you can handle, you have to increase the vacuum pressure either on a weekly to a biweekly basis. You can remain static. Imagine, if you will, working out with a 15lbs kettle bell. It feels great at first, and you continue to use that 15lbs. You'll get lean and trimmed, but you won't get the extra muscles. You need higher weight and longer workout routine to get larger. Your penis is the same. You can't use 3inHg to 5inHg. You have to progressively go up. Our brother SIM and myself modded our Bathmate with pump and gauge. A few brothers here are and have modded their Bathmate as well. Those with pumps and gauges are progressing nicely. You need to do the same, so you can both feel and measure your intensity.

If you want to grow, you need to monitor. Don't expect that your growth is instant. You have to use a routine that is smart and efficient. This is where you will need to create a log, create a routine, push your effort to the max. If you don't want to publicly publish your log, create a very detail person log. If you want a template, I have a Google Sheet template that you can use. No matter what you do, you must monitor your progression, and not just measure your progression. Leave the measuring alone for 3 months. Eyeball it rather than hard meaure it. When you're ready, we'll go hard on you. In the mean time, mod your equipment and be ready.
Thank you for your kind and thoughtful advice. I will definitely start a log and I’m looking into how to attach a gauge to my Bathmate. You’ve made me feel a lot lot more positive about my issue so thanks again. Do you have any advice on a good routine I could fellow?
You already started the 5x5x3 routine. Rather than doing just the 5x5x3, how about 5x5x2 in the morning, keep the cycling of blood into your penis every 5 to 10 minutes all day with the 80% cock ring on (after morning pumping), and one morr 5x5x2 or even 5x5x3 routine at night with a 90 minutes post pumping expansion before total shutdown at night to rest.

This is chasing the girth routine at an extreme level. But, baseline pressure must be monitored since you are elevating your pressure zone as well. We have to be very weary.

Since you are also using a cock ring all day, get a bottle of baby aspirin, 71 to 85 mg, only if you have no medical issue with aspirins
You already started the 5x5x3 routine. Rather than doing just the 5x5x3, how about 5x5x2 in the morning, keep the cycling of blood into your penis every 5 to 10 minutes all day with the 80% cock ring on (after morning pumping), and one morr 5x5x2 or even 5x5x3 routine at night with a 90 minutes post pumping expansion before total shutdown at night to rest.

This is chasing the girth routine at an extreme level. But, baseline pressure must be monitored since you are elevating your pressure zone as well. We have to be very weary.

Since you are also using a cock ring all day, get a bottle of baby aspirin, 71 to 85 mg, only if you have no medical issue with aspirins
That sound amazing I’m keen to give your routine a go, just a question what do you me when you said “90 minute post pumping expansion?” Also is the aspirin just to keep the blood from clotting with the cock ring? Looking forward to hopefully seeing some gains trying all this. Thankyou!
After the 5x5x2 or 5x5x3, your penile tissues are primed for healing, expansion, and growth (cell enlargement and duplication to fill in the missing gaps during expansion and elongation process). By using the cock ring or restrictive devices (NO CLAMPING), you are trapping needed blood in the penis to provide nutrients and building blocks for your cells to use. By cycling in fresh blood every 5 to 10 minutes, you are proving oxygen and necessary building components for your cells to acquire during the healing process. Your auto immune system is kicking in high gear to send human growth hormones (HGH) for repair and growth due to thr sudden expansion and traumas to the least attended location.

By restricting the amount of blood flow from leaving the penis after an erection, your triggering responses to your brain to release hormones that your reproductive system needs more attention from here on out. The first 45 minutes is essential to get more blood in and excite the tissues with tons of growth and repair hormones. 90 minutes out, you got enough to last for hours for your penis to use. During the day, if you keep on adding more blood to your penis and erection is to constantly triggered, you are boosting the penis to growth against the natural processes. You are mirroring the preadolescence stages and to the primal years. This is PE triggering methods.

When using any restrictive devices such as the cock ring, you are condensing various blood clotting factors in your system at one location due to traumas and irritation from cellular breakdown. When pumping, you may not see the cellular membrane damages. However, they are breaking like popcorns in the microwave due to high vacuum pressures and high intensity SSJ. This trigger the immune system to send blood clotting factors to seal possible exposed sites. Baby aspirin slows and minimize blood clot formation. Blood clot is an enemy that you do not want to face.

When I give any brother advices, safety is the shield I provide first before handing over any arm to use. In PE, it's a constant battle field. You are fighting against nature at the fundamental cellular level. You have to arm yourself with knowledge before any action.
How big are you with a cockring over your balls and shaft?
How big are you with a cockring over your balls and shaft?
Hm, good question. I don't normally use cock ring over the balls and base since the pressure on the on peroneal nerves can be more painful (to me after 4 hours) than at the base of my penis. The last time I used that one was 2.65in diameter to meet the 80% restrictive condition.
You already started the 5x5x3 routine. Rather than doing just the 5x5x3, how about 5x5x2 in the morning, keep the cycling of blood into your penis every 5 to 10 minutes all day with the 80% cock ring on (after morning pumping), and one morr 5x5x2 or even 5x5x3 routine at night with a 90 minutes post pumping expansion before total shutdown at night to rest.

This is chasing the girth routine at an extreme level. But, baseline pressure must be monitored since you are elevating your pressure zone as well. We have to be very weary.

Since you are also using a cock ring all day, get a bottle of baby aspirin, 71 to 85 mg, only if you have no medical issue with aspirins
What is 5*5*5 new here and have only 6” length n 4.3” girth.may goal is to 5” girth plz help me
What is 5*5*5 new here and have only 6” length n 4.3” girth.may goal is to 5” girth plz help me

5x5x3 is a pumping routine. It is a combination of the use of a penis pump and manual girth exercise called slow squash jelq.

If I were to be in your shoes, I will focus exclusively on length work for 1 year. Within 1 year you can gain 2.5 to 3 inches in length.

Once you get your length goal sorted, you can switch your focus to girth work.
5x5x3 is a pumping routine. It is a combination of the use of a penis pump and manual girth exercise called slow squash jelq.

If I were to be in your shoes, I will focus exclusively on length work for 1 year. Within 1 year you can gain 2.5 to 3 inches in length.

Once you get your length goal sorted, you can switch your focus to girth work.
I’m satisfy with my length I want girth plz advise
I’m satisfy with my length I want girth plz advise

Buy the MityVac - Wet and Dry Penis Vacuum Pump System or bathmate extreme pump as soon as possible. Come back to this thread as soon as you get any of those pumps.
What is 5*5*5 new here and have only 6” length n 4.3” girth.may goal is to 5” girth plz help me
Girth Program: 5x5x3
5 Minute Slow Squash Jelq (video below)
5 Minutes in the Bathmate or MityVac at full intensity

5 Minute Slow Squash Jelq (video below)
5 Minutes in the Bathmate or MityVac at full intensity

5 Minute Slow Squash Jelq (video below)
5 Minutes in the Bathmate or MityVac at full intensity

Attach SilliRing to retain girth
Buy the mityvac or bathmate extreme pump as soon as possible. Come back to this thread as soon as you get any of those pumps.
I previously was a fanboy of Bathmate, but after using both Bathmate and MityVac I have to say that MityVac and pumping with water are superior to Bathmate.

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I previously was a fanboy of Bathmate, but after using both Bathmate and MityVac I have to say that MityVac and pumping with water are superior to Bathmate.

I will get something that will prevent rust and then I will try to pump with water for sometime to see if there is a difference.
I will get something that will prevent rust and then I will try to pump with water for sometime to see if there is a difference.
Rust should not happen if your water trap are working 100%.

You should never draw in water into the pump handle.

This is the problem I'm working to fix with a bigger water trap. The included small water trap, is to small in my opinion for the 2.5" cylinder.

I need to detach the pump from the cylinder mid-session, becouse the water trap is full. When I attach the watertrap + pump handle again, there are air introduced into the system/cylinder. Not optimal. I'm drawing in small amounts of water from time on time into the pump handle, that is far from good.

But the parts inside the pump handle, are easy to replace if they get damaged by water. I have already opened up my pump handle 2 times to let it dry up. I can't open it up any more.

I need to get this bigger water trap working soon.

Use Silicone Grease from CRC, to lubricate the gaskets and the moving parts inside/outside the pump handle (don't use to much).
I'm right behind you. Got my parts on the way as well. Will be testing on "free" containers I find around the house.
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Hey brothers,
I’m in desperate need for some girth size increase and would really appreciate any one’s experiences, knowledge, advice and tips. I’ve been consistently doing pe for 1 and a half years now and I can’t seem to add much girth more length despite focusing on girth. My length is 8”bpel and girth only 4.6”MSEG, I’m seriously considering surgery filler injections that’s how desperate I am. My girlfriend has told me her ex was super thick so yeh im kind of devastated about it..
Im currently not working so I have lots of time to dedicate to my PE routine, I have a bath mate and I’m currently doing dlds 5x5x3 SSJ with a cock ring after every night of the week which seems to be helping swell me up nicely but within 12 hours I’m back to my pencil dick, I’m not sure if i should do a short girth session twice a day to prevent this.
Thanks lads any advice would be much appreciated. Cheers.
I found Bathmate Extreme very helpful to increase girth using 5x5x3 intervals, with jelqing, hanging with 5 lbs weights and squeezing in between sets. I was able to achieve 6.6" girth. My lady and I are very happy with the results.
I found Bathmate Extreme very helpful to increase girth using 5x5x3 intervals, with jelqing, hanging with 5 lbs weights and squeezing in between sets. I was able to achieve 6.6" girth. My lady and I are very happy with the results.
can you tell us the exact routine you followed to do this? and how long did it take?
I found Bathmate Extreme very helpful to increase girth using 5x5x3 intervals, with jelqing, hanging with 5 lbs weights and squeezing in between sets. I was able to achieve 6.6" girth. My lady and I are very happy with the results.
Looks like you're combining dynamic stretches while pumping. Very nice. I with there is a pump design allowing either half or 3/4 shaft suction while allowing physical pulling and hanging without slipping. That will be an ultimate pump session. I'm testing a few methods to strap the pumps along any part of the shaft while pumping and pulling. Successful a few times, failed most of the time. Elongation during pump is phenomenal.
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