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      tzurri replied to the thread how much excersising?.
      Yea but its 60$ and if theres something wrong your kinda screwed :/ I will think about it after a month to see if its for me or not
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      tzurri replied to the thread how much excersising?.
      Unfortunally i cant get that pump here in Sweden. If you find any place i can buy it give me a link :)
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      tzurri replied to the thread how much excersising?.
      Oh it can definatly get above 10ingh whicfh is 34kpa Ive made it go to 15-16inHG but i guess that is to much?
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      tzurri replied to the thread how much excersising?.
      Should i make it go flacid between the 5m pump sessions?
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      tzurri replied to the thread how much excersising?.
      Yea link got removed. California Exotics Optimum Series Advanced Automatic Smart Pump
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      I recently bought one of these I dont really have the option to use water based one. With this unit i can set kpa, how long i want the...
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