
I live life daily only to make great strides in the never ending Bastardian quest to obliterate one self. Daily I struggle to reduce myself to nothingness so as to become one with all that is carnal and debauched in the universe. This I will achieve this one day as I rock my way to Armageddon by clocking some serious overtime at the Meat Poundery (A.K.A. Women’s Meat, Cunt, Pussy, Puntang, Tits and Ass). I'm reminded of Karl Marx's famous quote:

From each [bastard] according to his ability [to tenderize meat], to each [bastardette] according to [her] need [for meat]

How noble in sentiment, yet profound in truth! Meat is the answer; it’s the key to solving the issues that have vexed mankind for ages. The problem all along has been the withholding of meat between the genders and, as always I, a founding member of the Brother of Bastration am on the front line in the War for Tits and Ass. Only after I blaze myself to oblivion attaining a true meat-ing of the minds with the hotties of the world, will I ascend to higher planes of existence.

I've began the newest gospel of bastration. You see when Armageddon eventually comes to an end; a new book of truth will be needed. Therefore "The Gospel According To the Bastards" will be the new founding Book of Inspiration that will bring mankind into the next stages of existence, and as such will mark the beginning of a new era. This new book begins with the four canonical books of the Poundation of Meat. These four books are known as the Laws of Bastrations, Maniacal Meat Pounding, Love of A Nice Rack, and Contorted Ass Stuffing.

It’s coming upon me that I must bring people into light about the subtleties and carnal sensations of ass. I'm reminded of how our beloved father Gaius Julius Caesar’s famous quote, "Veni Vidi Vici" (I came, I saw, and I conquered). What he really meant to say "Ego Aestuo, Ego Ulterius, Quod Ego manically talentum caro" which roughly should translate out to "I shoved my cock in tits, I stuffed her ass, and I pounded her meat." This will be the universal anthem, which will in turn help cure most of the universal problems, and also help resolve the human condition. As I am off now to shove my meat into some poor retched babe’s pie hole, know that I will love it, she will love it and world will be at peace, for the moment.

“I, Magnus Cod, bastards of all bastards don’t ask; what I want, I take!!!!” Now go forth my brothers and strive hard to stay the course of pounding chicks, play with big tits, and pork your women like stuck pigs. And remember........."The Force Will Be With You, Always."

Truth in Meat, Wealth by Piracy, Salvation through Bastration!

-- The Bastard's Creed --

Anywhere I Want
I Work




My righteously wretched Brothers-in-all-that-is-Hopeless,

Our noble efforts to rise above this planet's mass of wretched ingrates via gluttonous consumption of �naked people movies� and gleeful outbreaks of self-punishment, inspires me to stay the course on the lonely path of despair we affectionately call the "Jornada del Bastardo" (the way of the bastard).

As I sit here in my electric chair, slowly fading away leaving behind my demonically contorted Cheshire Cat grin as my chacqueness-powered gattling gun of a motor mouth spits rusty verbal nails at the world like an air raid siren while I ponder the beautiful mysteries of "meat" poundation being the key to salvation.

"Whoa is me" as I toil in the salt mines, while my eyeballs pop out of their sockets. I clench my fists and gnash my teeth while bastrating, castrating & emasculating myself, all about while my face contorts into a grotesque sneer. The darkness of catacombs brings about a charnel smell coming out from my empty black hearted chest which filled with dead man bones, making a grim jest at the horrifying nature of my own wounds.

Following my brilliant lead as I redouble my efforts to attain enlightened insanity through an intense regimen of �naked people movies�ological sensory overload coupled with convulsive, limb flailing fits of bastration as I motor-mouth, like a set of wind-up chattering teeth, ear-bruising curses and calumnies to all within earshot like a Tourettes Syndrome afflicted madman on crack. Henceforth nothing I do will be found within a sensor range of Right, as I have taken up residency at the Meat Poundery's opulent penthouse suite at the ground-zero of Wrong.

With Venal Illustrious Pleasures and Luscious Damnations of Dark Hadou, Your Heinous Bastard.......Magnus Cod

Truth in Meat, Wealth by Piracy, Salvation through Bastration!

-- The Bastard's Creed --



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